PODCAST: Legal and Money Basics Every Startup Founder Needs to Know

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Are you an entrepreneur in the tech space? Have a product or app that will change the market? Tune into todays episode with StartUp Attorney Vivek Boray as we discuss all things startup! He is the Entrepreneur in Residence for WeWork Labs and Founding Partner of DB Law LLP Today's Episode Will Cover: The true definition of a startup?

Just had the great opportunity to attend the NOLA Music Tech Conference virtually last week and there were some really awesome apps and platforms shared that in the works for creatives from publishing, to touring, etc.

So this week's podcast is right on time for all my creative entrepreneurs in the tech space!

This week I'm chatting with StartUp Attorney Vivek Boray as we discuss all things startup! He is the Entrepreneur in Residence for WeWork Labs and Founding Partner of DB Law LLP

Today's Episode Will Cover:

✓The true definition of a startup?

✓The biggest mistakes startup founders make in doing business with friends

✓ The biggest mistakes taking on investors

✓Basic legal items startup and free resources founders should consider

✓What to look for in StartUp Counsel

✓How WeWork Labs is Supporting StartUps

You can connect with Vivek on LinkedIn: HERE

Resources Mentioned:

Founders Institute

Y Combinator