music business

Handling Music Business As Business...LLCs to Partnerships Explained

Handling Music Business As Business...LLCs to Partnerships Explained

If you are an artist, producer, or songwriter someone along the way has probably told you that you need an LLC or at least some kind of official business structure.

This may or may not be necessary depending on where you are in your career. Here are 4 ways to know it is time in your music career to open an LLC, get a partnership agreement in place, or just keep doing what you're doing as yourself.

MONEY TALK: Do I Need an LLC to Start a Business?

MONEY TALK: Do I Need an LLC to Start a Business?

One of the top questions I am most consistently asked is whether it is necessary to have an LLC or now that their side hustles have taken off and started to generate real revenue how can they make sure they stay legal.

Here is how you know it's time for you to launch that LLC: